照明基础 Basic


Basic 照明基础

Basic 基础


It is inadequate simply to portray the eye as an optical system when describing human perception. It also needs to be explained how the image is interpreted. Both the perceptual psychology and the objects of perception are important factors in understanding lighting design.

History 照明的历史

Lighting history 照明历史


Right up until the 18th century people only had two light sources at their disposal: natural daylight and the flame – the latter being the only artificial light source since the Stone Age. These two types of lighting dictated the patterns of life and architecture down through the ages, but a new epoch was ushered in with the invention of gas lighting and then electric lighting.

Quantitative lighting design 追求量的照明设计

美国圣何塞灯塔 1885年
The American Electric Light Tower
(San José 1885)
美国圣何塞灯塔 1885年


With the advent of electrical lighting, obtaining illuminance levels similar to those of daylight became a question of how much technical effort one was prepared to invest. At the end of the 19th century, one attempt at providing street lighting was to mount floodlights on lighting towers. However, the glare and harsh shadow produced caused more disadvantages than advantages and so this form of outdoor lighting was soon abandoned. Whereas inadequate light sources were the main problem initially, a prime concern later on was how to sensibly deal with the overabundance of light. Increasing industrialisation gave rise to intensive studies in the field of workplace lighting, investigating the influence of illuminance levels and lighting type on production efficiency. The studies resulted in extensive rules and regulations governing the minimum illuminance levels, the qualities of colour rendition and glare limitation. This catalogue of standards was to serve as a guideline for lighting far beyond the area of the workplace; in fact, it still determines the practice of lighting design right up to the present day. However, this approach left the psychology of perception totally unconsidered. The issues of how people perceive structures clearly and how lighting also conveys an aesthetic effect were beyond the scope of the quantitative lighting rules and regulations.

Qualitative lighting design 追求质的照明设计

Qualitative Lighting Design 追求质的照明设计


Restricting the view of human perception to a physiologically orientated level led to unsatisfactory lighting concepts. Approaches at a new lighting philosophy that no longer solely considered quantitative aspects arose in the USA after World War II. Expanding the physiology of the visual apparatus by adding the psychology of perception meant that all factors involved in the interaction between the perceiving observer, the object viewed and the facilitating medium of light now came under consideration. The perceptionorientated lighting design no longer primarily thought in the quantitative terms of illuminance levels or luminance distribution, but in terms of the qualitative factors.

Perception-orientated lighting design 感知引导的照明设计

Perception-Orientated Lighting Design 感知引导的照明设计


The perception-orientated lighting design of the 1960s no longer considered man and his needs as a mere recipient of his visual surroundings but as an active factor in the perception process. The designers analysed what was the significance of the individual areas and functions. Using the pattern of meaning thus established, it was then possible to plan the lighting as a third factor and to develop an appropriate lighting design. This required qualitative criteria and a corresponding vocabulary, which in turn allowed both the requirements placed on a lighting system and the functions of the light to be described.
